Common Causes of Low Testosterone Levels in the Body

One of the main hormones in a man’s body is testosterone. It not only transforms boys into the men we are today but also influences several other processes, from mood to erection. This is the hormone responsible for muscle gain. Today, many of the stronger sex, due to a lack of knowledge about this hormone, may notice that they have insufficient testosterone levels.

This, in turn, has a negative impact on health, mental health, and personal relationships. And if you do not pay attention to the study of this hormone and restore its level in time, the situation can worsen. The following are some of the common causes of low testosterone levels.

Natural Aging

testosteroneThe highest testosterone levels in males are observed in adolescence. This is because, during this period, the body produces exactly the amount of hormone necessary for normal development and puberty. After this period, unfortunately, the volume of testosterone in the blood decreases steadily. Throughout his life, a man can observe a steady decline. Moreover, by the age of 50, as a rule, the level of this substance in the blood approaches a minimum.

Genetic Features

If a man suffers from low testosterone levels, he may blame his parents for this problem. Research shows that the quality of our genes determines how much testosterone is produced. So, some men are more prone to create large volumes of this hormone compared to others.


Scientists have linked poor nutrition, low in vitamins and minerals to low testosterone levels. This is due to the fact that vitamins A and D, zinc, and magnesium are required for the production of the male hormone.

Intense Physical Activity

While exercise is considered one of the best ways to increase the male hormone levels, overdoing it can backfire. Moreover, excessive exercise aimed at improving the level of endurance can lead to the development of hypogonadism, a condition in which the function of the testicles is impaired. This contributes to a decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood.


Being overweight can also cause a decrease in the production of the male hormone. Clinical studies show that obese men have lower testosterone levels than “normal” weight people. Increasing body fat can increase insulin production, which in turn negatively affects testicular function.

Sleep Deprivation

The male body generates a significant portion of testosterone during sleep. Most often during the deep sleep stage. Therefore, sleep deprivation and sleep interruption can cause a decrease in testosterone production.